Community Update 2023-07-17

On our 6-month anniversary we’re also announcing some staffing and community leadership changes!

First of all, we’d like to say a very sad, but fond farewell to Tel’rith Sul! We wish him the best in all his future endeavors, both gaming and otherwise!

Next, we’d like to announce new Community leaders and recognize their efforts in furthering our shard and it’s community! These members are being recognized for their current and ongoing efforts to make IUO the wonderful place that it is! You may see them roaming around sporting their new titles in-game! Make sure to say Hi and thank them for all their hard work. If you’re interested in helping out with the server, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the staff members!

Ackley – IUO Community Architect

Ackley has begun his exterior decorating career with IUO by architecting new Luna decor which will be rolling out in the next few days! Ackley’s vision will bring a new taste to our world and help make Sosaria a beautiful place to call home! Ackley will also be assisting in world-building efforts to be used in upcoming content!

Eora – IUO Community Events Coordinator

Eora has been actively coordinating events already, such as the Silly Doom Pet Runs and posting videos of the adventures! Eora will continue coordinating events both spontaneously and as part of the larger story arcs that will be rolling out soon. You may also see Eora posting on Reddit with occasional updates or newsletters! Don’t worry, she’ll still have time to be hired as our resident Interior Decorator!

Dennis – IUO Community Librarian

This list wouldn’t be complete without recognizing the amazing efforts of our Legendary Librarian, Dennis! Dennis has spent countless hours wandering the lands and marking runes to make all of our lives easier! His house has been officially designated a community rune library and is a great work of art as well! There is a teleporter from the Insane Asylum in Luna to get to his library, but we’re also looking at adding a command to go directly there as well! Thanks again for all you’ve done!

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