Fixed issue with New Player armor re-spamming messages to non-young players every time their stats changed
Thank you to MOAIAP (Sophyris) for reporting this!
Fixed Ki-Rin pet definition to properly include AoE/poison-related stuff only if Poisoning was selected
Thank you to Curby for the fix!
Fixed Fire Steed special ability list to match other elemental steeds
Thank you to Curby for the fix!
Fixed issue with players receiving “empty” LBODs due to recent removal of certain “icky” LBODs for Alchemy/Carpentry/Cooking
Thanks to Eleos and c00lb12ns for reporting this and Eleos for the fix!
Fixed issue with receiving deed for wrong title for Cooking and Fletching BOD rewards
Thank you to trickster for reporting this!
Focused Necromancers (no other “focusable” primary/secondary skill at 30.0 or higher) in Horrific Beast form can now properly “cast” the master “spells” for weapon skills and poisoning
Huge thanks to Pevil for her research!
Adjusted the mass-heal before death on the Phoenix so it hopefully won’t flag you as grey!
Tweaks to new Elemental Champion Spawn, including damage of certain abilities, drop rates, and added Insanity Tokens to ALL players (not just scroll-based like normal Champ spawns), based on feedback from players
Adjusted drop rate of stalagmites (from about 6.5% max to 3% max)
Behind the scenes functionality for better error-reporting