Patch Notes 2024-03-13


  • Snow Covered Reindeer and Roses in a Vase are now properly dyeable
  • Blood Ritual Table in the Treasures of Wildfire reward gump now has the proper item graphic
  • Removed Gargish Solaria’s Secret Poisons “earrings” from Treasures of Wildfire rewards because of our modifications to gargoyle head/earring slots to prevent imblances.
  • Fixed LoS blockers to prevent teleporting in certain places
  • Added Special Ability options to the pet training profile of nightmares
  • Added check for Personal Bless Deeds to prevent rapid durability loss from Verite Elementals


  • Removed Insane Blade and The Demolisher from the Exalted Artificer to prevent swapping back and forth to get “better” random properties. Handling of random properties will be added in a near future patch
  • Added Power Level to the Bane Dragon tooltip
  • Bumped Elemental Champ Spawn drop rates up by 5% across the board


  • Added a bunch of new craftables to the House Building Tool
  • House Building Tools are now available from any NPC Architect
  • New pet mount to be released soon….Stay tuned for details!

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