A server restart was completed at 2:33AM Eastern time and the following changes have been deployed:
- FIXED: Paragon bugs with pet rarity system. Uncommons and above will no longer spawn as Paragons (really, i mean it this time!) and “failed” paragons will no longer spawn sickly with reduce stats and strange hues.
- FIXED: A couple of free skill bugs including Scroll of Transcendence taking from free skills and Show Real incorrectly displaying free skills as “real” if you were gaining them until the next logout/login. If you notice any other free skill-related bugs, please notify staff immediately!
- ADDED: Gift boxes for St. Patrick’s Day (1 per account) with a bunch of green & gold goodies! (see below)
- ADDED: Miscellaneous code cleanup and a TON of new content for future release!

St. Patrick’s Day Gift Box (Green & Gold Goodies)
- Irish Whiskey
- Emerald Isle Whiskey
- 10 x Lucky Coins (https://www.uoguide.com/Fountain_of_Fortune)
- Lucky Necklace
- 500 Insanity Tokens
- 3 x Insane Transmog Potions
Note: Gift boxes are 1 per account!