Patch Notes 2023-04-20

A server restart was completed at 12:03PM Eastern time and the following changes have been deployed:

  • FIXED: Hook’s Shield and Pirate Shields can now properly be repaired with Carpentry or Carp Repair Deeds
  • FIXED: All pet leashes should now be Blessed
  • FIXED: Circuit and Slider trap training boxes should now have correct permissions options
    • NOTE: If your Slider trap training box disappeared, contact a GM for a replacement!
    • Special Thanks to Shazzy for fixing those
  • FIXED: Back by popular demand, the [organizeme command is now available for use again!
    • If you’re using old “organizeme pouches”, you no longer have to worry about blessed items getting deleted!
    • Pouches have been reduced from 10 different possible ones down to 4: Equipment, Currency, Crafting, and Misc
    • Pouch colors will no longer be random, but rather the same for each type every time to make it easier to identify
    • Blessed items will NOT be moved in any way
    • You must have 121 items or less to use the command so you don’t accidentally go over your backpack limit and have stuff drop to the ground. You will see a warning message regarding this if you attempt it with > 121 items in your backpack
  • FIXED: Raised Easter Bunnies will now properly save their city/location name
    • Unfortunately ones that have already lost their name cannot have their location “recovered”. Instead a new random city will be regenerated for those.
    • If you were trying to collect all of them, we will be adding a “Bunny Swap Basket” at the front of the Insane Asylum where you’ll be able to drop your bunny in the basket and it will give you a random new one, repeatable as many times as you want
  • CHANGED: Easter Eggs will spawn at a much lower rate (and be turned off completely at the end of the month along with the Crazy Cottontail spawns)
  • ADDED: Two new pets/mounts, including rideable Triceratops and Kodiak Bears! See details below…
    • Special Thanks to Moradin for the bear suggestion
    • Special Thanks to Marco for the triceratops suggestion
  • ADDED: New special mage mount, the Purple Llama! See details below…
  • ADDED: New Pirate bosses to Buc’s Den! Watch for our next post for more details…
  • ADDED: Resource storage boxes are now available as appropriate BOD rewards and from a new Insane Asylum vendor.
    • Special Thanks to Shazzy for spicing them up
  • ADDED: More behind the scenes stuff for future content…

Llamas, Triceratops, and Bears! Oh My!

Purple Llamas

Introducing the infamous…purple llamas! And what better way to summon this new “mount” then casting Energy Vortex and targeting yourself! As such, this will be a mage-only mount, but unlike normal EVs, it won’t disappear until you dismount (or get dismounted). It will take 1 follower control slot as well (so you can still have 2 “normal” EVs). Mages everywhere, REJOICE!

Rideable Triceratops

Triceratops are now a rideable mount! Old (non-rideable) ones are now considered server rares as they will no longer spawn. They are also now part of the pet rarity system! Each tier has a special hue and has an increased chance at having healing instead of the original 16.5% chance for all! All tiers will be 3 => 5 slots for training.

  • Legendary: 100% (guaranteed)
  • Epic: 75% chance
  • Rare: 50% chance
  • Uncommon: 25% chance
  • Common: 12.5% chance

Triceratops also have a new special ability…CHARGE! Just like the Ramrod champ!

Kodiak Bears

Kodiak Bears are much fiercer and stronger than normal brown and black bears! Similar in stats to a lesser hiryu, these new rideable bears pack quite the punch with their Charge ability! They’re trainable 1 => 5 slots and will retain Grasping Claw and Bleed Attack when tamed. These bears are NOT part of the pet rarity system but can be found roaming the forests of Britannia.

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