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Dragon Wolf

The Dragon Wolf is Insane UO’s first “On Tame” rarity spawn. This system means they have uncommon, rare, epic and legendary variants but you can’t see the rarity until you’ve tamed it. Upon taming it will either remain a normal common pet or it will change into one of the rarer variants, resulting in a different hue and potentially better starting slots or abilities.

  • Taming Requirement: ?
  • Slots: 4 => 5 (Common/Uncommon), 3 => 5 (Rare/Epic), 2 => 5 (Legendary)
  • Starting abilities: Dragon Breath (Epic/Legendary lose this)
  • Custom ability: Flameburst AoE (Legendary only, no mana cost)
  • Location: Malas, Tokuno

Stat Ranges


  • Strength: 750 – 850
  • Dexterity: 60 – 75
  • Intelligence: 50 – 55
  • Hitpoints: 800 – 860


  • Base Damage: 20 – 25
  • Damage Type Physical: 100


  • Physical Resist: 45 – 55
  • Fire Resist: 30 – 40
  • Cold Resist: 30 – 40
  • Poison Resist: 40 – 50
  • Energy Resist: 40 – 50

Overcapped Skills:

  • Resisting Spells: 125.0 – 140.0

Training Options


  • Poisoning
  • Battle Defense
  • Bashing
  • Piercing
  • Slashing
  • Wrestle Mastery

Special Moves:

  • Armor Ignore
  • Armor Pierce
  • Bladeweave
  • Bleed
  • Concussion Blow
  • Crushing Blow
  • Dismount
  • Feint
  • Force of Nature
  • Frenzied Whirlwind
  • Mortal Strike
  • Nerve Strike
  • Paralyze
  • Psychic Attack
  • Talon Strike

Special Abilities:

  • Dragon Breath

Area of Effect:

  • Aura of Nausea
  • Poison Breath
  • Essence of Disease
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