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  • Necromancers who also invest in the poisoning skill will gain a bonus to poison strike, giving it a chance to hit for AoE poison on all targets that the Poison Strike hits. The chance to add an AoE poison goes up by 5% every 20 skill points in Poisoning as shown in the table below
  • A feature from OSI that isn’t well known is if you’re in wraith form and have a spellbook with ‘Recall’ in your backpack you will be able to cast recall without failure, even with no magery skill
Poisoning SkillPoison LevelChance to Poison

Rise of the Necromancer

The necromancer has had a quality of life upgrade for those truly dedicated to the dark arts. In order to qualify as one of these, you must be a ‘focused’ necromancer (as defined on uo.com) which means you must not have more than 30.0 skill (real or bonus) in any of the following skills:

  • Magery
  • Evaluating Intelligence
  • Mysticism
  • Focus
  • Imbuing
  • Spellweaving
  • Animal Taming
  • Musicianship
  • Chivalry
  • Bushido
  • Ninjitsu
  • Parrying

If you meet these criteria, have 100.0 or more real skill in Necromancy and Spirit Speak, and truly embrace your evil side by having negative karma, you will gain extra bonuses to the existing necromancy spells. The additional bonus from karma starts at -10,000 and will increase the more it drops.


With the update to necromancers come new necromancy-based artifacts. Currently these are available as drops from The Forgotten Three mini boss in that will run during the Treasures of the Undead Lords and Treasures of the Archlich events. Once those events end, the artifacts will be available from a new Peerless encounter. Details will be updated when available.


There is a new quest to obtain a necromancy lore book that details all the new bonuses to spells for a pure necromancer. “The Withering of the Defender” is available from a rather appropriate town and NPC.

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