Storage Boxes
Storage boxes help you to minimise the amount of chests and storage needed in your house by providing handy, themed areas for each of the crafting resources. Most of them can be obtained via BOD points; they can all be bought from the [rl vendor Arnie the Artificer for gold. There are multiple benefits to these boxes:
- Themed storage – keep all your tailoring related goodies in one box. No more hunting around to find where you stored that barbed leather, it’s in the tailor storage box!
- Deposit everything at once – choose the “Add Resource” button and target your backpack to add all eligible items to the box. This also works on pack animals and other boxes
- Weight – these boxes weigh virtually nothing, allowing easy transport of your goods should you move houses. Anything in the box is only accessible if the box is locked down though so they can’t be used while out in the wild
- Item count- no more reaching the 125 item count in the box and having to set up a second. Each resource is limited to 99,999 so they will provide near endless storage for most people
- Long range of use – although you must be close to the box to open the gump, you can then keep the gump open and use them up to 10 tiles away, giving more freedom when setting up your crafting areas. No longer must you cram the tailoring area close to the soulforge in order to have everything at hand
- Updated gump – See at a glance all your stored materials and how many you have

High Seas Storage Box
The High Seas Storage box holds all items related to sailing and can be obtained for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Black Powder
- Fuse Cord
- Matches
- Powder Charge
- Cannonball
- Grapeshot
- Saltpeter
- Potash
- Charcoal
- Matchcord
- Light Powder Charge
- Heavy Powder Charge
- Light Cannonball
- Heavy Cannonball
- Light Flame Cannonball
- Heavy Flame Cannonball
- Light Frost Cannonball
- Heavy Frost Cannonball
- Light Grapeshot
- Heavy Grapeshot
Ice Box
The Ice Box holds all items related to cooking and can be obtained from cooks for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Raw Ribs
- Ribs
- Raw Lamb Leg
- Lamb Leg
- Raw Bird
- Cooked Bird
- Raw Fish Steak
- Fish Steak
- Khaldun Tasty Treat
- Chicken Leg
- Raw Chicken Leg
- Bacon
- Slab of Bacon
- Sausage
- Ham
- Raw Rotworm Meat
- French Bread
- Muffins
- Cheese Wheel
- Cheese Wedge
- Eggs
- Jar of Honey
- Pumpkin
- Banana
- Bananas
- Pear
- Peach
- Lemon
- Lime
- Grapes
- Grapes of Wrath
- Apple
- Enchanted Apple
- Tribal Berry
- Watermelon
- Split Coconut
- Squash
- Ear of Corn
- Onion
- Turnip
- Carrot
- Sack of Sugar
- Sack of Flour
- Dough
- Vanilla
- Cocoa Butter
- Cocoa Liquor
- Cocoa Pulp
- Dark Chocolate
- Milk Chocolate
- White Chocolate
- Autumn Dragonfish Steak
- Bull Fish Steak
- Crystal Fish Steak
- Fairy Salmon Steak
- Fire Fish Steak
- Giant Koi Steak
- Great Barracuda Steak
- Holy Mackerel Steak
- Lava Fish Steak
- Reaper Fish Steak
- Summer Dragonfish Steak
- Unicorn Fish Steak
- Yellowtail Barracuda Steak
Lumberjack Storage Box
The Lumberjack Storage box holds all items related to wood-related crafting and can be obtained from carpenters for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Log
- Oak Log
- Ash Log
- Yew Log
- Heartwood Log
- Bloodwood Log
- Frostwood Log
- Board
- Oak Board
- Ash Board
- Yew Board
- Heartwood Board
- Bloodwood Board
- Frostwood Board
- Bolt
- Arrow
- Shaft
- Feather
- Blank Scroll
Miner’s Storage Box
The Miner’s Storage box holds all reagents and can be obtained from blacksmiths for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Iron Ingots
- Dull Copper Ingots
- Shadow Iron Ingots
- Copper Ingots
- Bronze Ingots
- Gold Ingots
- Agapite Ingots
- Verite Ingots
- Valorite Ingots
- Granite
- Dull Copper Granite
- Shadow Iron Granite
- Copper Granite
- Bronze Granite
- Gold Granite
- Agapite Granite
- Verite Granite
- Valorite Granite
- Grizzled Bones
- Red Scales
- Yellow Scales
- Black Scales
- Green Scales
- White Scales
- Blue Scales
- Sand
- Workable Glass
- Ethereal Sand
- Small Pieces of Blackrock
Mondain’s Storage Box
The Mondain’s Storage box holds all items related to Peerless and gems and can be obtained for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Citrine
- Ecru Citrine
- Emerald
- Perfect Emerald
- Tourmaline
- Turquoise
- Diamond
- Blue Diamond
- Sapphire
- Star Sapphire
- Dark Sapphire
- Ruby
- Fire Ruby
- Amber
- Brilliant Amber
- Amethyst
- Arcane Gem
- White Pearl
- Bark Fragment
- Luminescent Fungi
- Parasitic Plant
- Switch Item
- Corruption
- Taint
- Blight
- Putrefaction
- Muculent
- Scourge
- Daemon Bone
- Diseased Bark
- Dreadhorn Mane
- Orange Petals
- Green Thorns
- Red Leaves
- Eye of the Travesty
- Lard of Paroxysmus
- Captured Essence
- Corrosive Ash
- Cursed Oilstone
- Quartz Grit
Reagent Storage Box
The Reagent Storage box holds all reagents and can be obtained from scribes for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Black Pearl
- Bloodmoss
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Mandrake Root
- Nightshade
- Sulfurous Ash
- Spiders Silk
- Bat Wing
- Grave Dust
- Daemon Blood
- Nox Crystal
- Pig Iron
- Empty Bottle
- Dragon Blood
- Fertile Dirt
- Daemon Bone
- Bone
Scribe’s Tome
The Scribe’s Tome holds magery and necromancy scrolls and can be obtained from scribes for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Clumsy
- Create Food
- Feeblemind
- Heal
- Magic Arrow
- Night Sight
- Reactive Armour
- Weaken
- Agility
- Cunning
- Cure
- Harm
- Magic Trap
- Magic Untrap
- Protection
- Strength
- Bless
- Fireball
- Magic Lock
- Poison
- Telekinesis
- Teleport
- Unlock
- Wall of Stone
- Arch Cure
- Arch Protection
- Curse
- Fire Field
- Greater Heal
- Lightning
- Mana Drain
- Recall
- Blade Spirits
- Dispel Field
- Incognito
- Magic Reflect
- Mind Blast
- Paralyse
- Poison Field
- Summon Creature
- Dispel
- Energy Bolt
- Explosion
- Invisibility
- Mark
- Mass Curse
- Paralyse Field
- Reveal
- Chain Lightning
- Energy Field
- Flamestrike
- Gate Travel
- Mana Vampire
- Mass Dispel
- Meteor Swarm
- Polymorph
- Earthquake
- Energy Vortex
- Resurrection
- Summon Air Elemental
- Summon Daemon
- Summon Earth Elemental
- Summon Fire Elemental
- Summon Water Elemental
- Animate Dead
- Blood Oath
- Corpse Skin
- Curse Weapon
- Evil Omen
- Horrific Beast
- Lich Form
- Mind Rot
- Pain Spike
- Poison Strike
- Strangle
- Summon Familiar
- Vampiric Embrace
- Vengeful Spirit

Stygian Storage Box
The Stygian Storage box holds all items related to the Stygian Abyss and Termur and can be obtained for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Abyssal Cloth
- Arcanic Rune Stone
- Bottle Ichor
- Boura Pelt
- Chaga Mushroom
- Crushed Glass
- Crystal Shards
- Crystalline Blackrock
- Daemon Claw
- Delicate Scales
- Elven Fletching
- Enchanted Essence
- Essence of Precision
- Essence of Achievement
- Essence of Balance
- Essence of Control
- Essence of Diligence
- Essence of Direction
- Essence of Feeling
- Essence of Order
- Essence of Passion
- Essence of Persistence
- Essence of Singularity
- Faery Dust
- Fairy Dragon Wing
- Fey Wings
- Goblin Blood
- Lava Serpent Crust
- Lodestone
- Magical Residue
- Medusa Blood
- Medusa Light Scales
- Medusa Dark Scales
- Powdered Iron
- Primal Lich Dust
- Raptor Teeth
- Reflective Wolf Eye
- Relic Fragment
- Seed Of Renewal
- Silver Serpent Venom
- Silver Snake Skin
- Slith Tongue
- Spider Carapace
- Toxic Venom Sac
- Undying Flesh
- Vial Of Vitriol
- Void Orb
- Void Core
- Void Essence
Tailor’s Storage Box
The Tailor’s Storage box holds all items related to tailoring and can be obtained from tailors for 1500 BOD points or for 1,000,000 gold from [rl.
- Leather
- Barbed Leather
- Horned Leather
- Spined Leather
- Arcane Gems
- Cotton
- Flax
- Wool
- Tainted Wool
- Spool of Thread
- Dark Yarn
- Cloth
- Bolt of Cloth
- Bandage
- Enhanced Bandage
- Bone
- Tiger Pelts
- White Tiger Pelts
- Black Tiger Pelts
- Dragon Turtle Scutes
- Britannian Wool
- Blood of the Dark Father
- Scouring Toxin
Please exercise caution if depositing dyeable cloth / leather. The hue will be stripped off, resulting in default colors when extracted from the tailor’s resource box.