Custom Tamer Pets
There are many custom pets available to tamers as well as the standard OSI pets. Below is a quick overview of them. Click the links for further information about a pet.
Elemental Steeds are based on fire steeds but come in ice, poison and energy versions now as well. They are mountable and have their own custom abilities. They’re part of the rarity system.
Chimeras are a reskin of the najasaurus and do cold damage instead of poison. They’re poison immune. They need to be spawned via a champion spawn-like event.
Kodiak Bears are a mountable pet with pack instinct and a custom charge ability.

A Spider is another najasaurus reskin and is also poison immune. They need to be spawned via a champion spawn style event.
Phoenix have been given a customer ability that allows them to self-resurrect if they die. They can also resurrect other players and pets that die near them.

Season of the Witch Ossein Rams are a 1 slot, mountable version of the normal ossein ram. They’re only available during October and November.
The iconinc Mongbat can be trained to a 5 slot pet.

Slimes can also be trained to 5 slots.
Triceratops are part of the rarity system. They are mountable and have a custom ability, Charge. Higher rarity gives more chance of gaining healing.

Chickens are another standard animal that has been allowed to train to 5 slots.
Ki-rin can be tamed and ridden by females as well as males. They’ve been aligned to unicorns so they’re poison immune and part of the rarity system. Legendary can gain healing.

Unicorns can be tamed and ridden by males as well as females. They are also part of the rarity system. Legendary can gain healing.
Nightmares are part of the rarity system and can gain healing if legendary.
Shadow wyrms have a chance to spawn at 3 slot,
Sabertooths are part of the rarity system. Higher rarity gives more chance of gaining healing.

Tigers are now mountable.
Reptalons are a part of the rarity system.