Insane Tamer Points
With the Insane Tamer Reward Points, every creature you tame and turn in at the hitching post within the Moonglow Zoo becomes an opportunity to earn valuable points. We’ve devised a comprehensive tiered system that rewards tamers based on the difficulty of the creatures they tame. There are five tiers of pet difficulties, each offering an escalating number of points: 1 point for basic creatures, 5 points for intermediate challenges, 12 points for tougher foes, 20 points for formidable adversaries, and a whopping 25 points for the most daunting creatures you dare to tame.
Tamers who manage to tame creatures which are part of the Pet Rarity system will receive a bonus point modifier (20% bonus for Uncommon, 40% bonus for Rare), enhancing their point earnings and recognizing their prowess in capturing more elusive pets. And for those truly legendary tamers who tame Epic or Legendary creatures, there’s guaranteed flat points reward (40 for Epic and 100 for Legendary, regardless of tier), ensuring that your extraordinary achievements are duly celebrated.

Join us in this thrilling new endeavor as we celebrate the art of taming and unleash the potential of Insane UO’s vibrant ecosystem. Show the world your mastery of creature taming and reap the rewards with the Insane Tamer Reward Points system! Simply double click the hitching post next to Talon and target the pet you wish to donate.
Tier 1 1 pt | Tier 2 5 pts | Tier 3 12 pts | Tier 4 20 pts | Tier 5 25 pts |
Beetle Bird Boar Bull Frog Cat Chicken Cow Desert Ostard Dog Eagle Ferret Fire Beetle Forest Ostard Giant Rat Goat Gorilla Hind Horse Jack Rabbit Llama Lowland Boura Mongbat Mountain Goat Palomino Pig Rabbit Rat Ridable Llama Ruddy Boura Sewer rat Sheep Skittering Hopper Slime Timber Wolf | Alligator Black Bear Brown Bear Bull Cougar Deathwatch Beetle Frenzied Ostard Gaman Giant Spider Greater Mongbat Great Hart Grey Wolf Grizzly Bear High Plains Boura Imp Panther Polar Bear Scorpion Snake Snow Leopard Stone Slith Walrus White Wolf | Bake Kitsune Blood Fox Cold Steed Crimson Drake Dire Wolf Drake Energy Steed Fire Steed Frost Spider Giant Ice Worm Giant Toad Hell Cat Hell Hound Kirin Lava Lizard Lesser Hiryu Nightmare Ossein Ram Platinum Drake Poison Steed Ridgeback Savage Ridgeback Slith Stygian Drake Swamp Dragon Unicorn Wild Tiger | Cold Drake Cu Sidhe Dragon Dragon Wolf Dread Spider Frost Mite Hiryu Lion Phoenix Rune Beetle Sabertoothed Tiger Skree Tsuki Wolf White Wyrm | A Spider Chimera Dimetrosaur Dragon Turtle Hatchling Frost Dragon Gallusaurus Greater Dragon Najasaurus Raptor Reptalon Saurosaurus Serpentine Dragon Shadow Wyrm Triceratops |
Point Modifiers/Overrides:
- Uncommon = 20% bonus points added to tier points
- Rare = 40% bonus points added to tier points
- Epic = 40 points
- Legendary = 100 points