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Below is a list of the current commands you can access in-game. To use these simply type them in as if you were chatting and hit enter.

  • [AccountRecovery – Brings up your account recovery registration form which should have your email and discord name and number on it, you do not have to use your discord number #0000 is a fine one, discord eliminated numbers shortly after this was implemented in game.
  • [Achievements – Brings up your in game achievements and shows their progress. Achievements can be done to earn sovs that you can spend on the UOStore in your house or other safe log out area.
  • [BoatControl – Brings up a directional boat control for using ships and boats.
  • [BondInfo – Brings up a target cursor to target a pet with to see information about bonding the animal/creature.
  • [C – How you type in global chat. Just do [c before typing a message and it will appear in global instead of above your head.
  • [ChatHistory –
  • [ChatToggle – Toggles global chat on or off, if it is off [c will also bring it up as well.
  • [CheckDonate – Tells you the status of your donation to the server.
  • [CityBuff – [Clock – Brings up a clock that shows i believe server time?
  • [CommunityRuneLibrary – Teleports you to the community rune library.
  • [CRL – Same as above. Just faster to type.
  • [Donate – Brings up a cursor to donate a item.
  • [Doom – Shows the status of your progress on the doom gauntlet.
  • [E – Brings up the emote menu.
  • [Emote – Same as above.
  • [FishMongerStatus – Shows your reputation with the fish mongers.
  • [FixMe –
  • [Help – Lists available commands.
  • [HelpInfo – Gives information on a specified command, or when no argument specified, displays a gump containing most commands.
  • [History – Opens a gump with the history of everything you’ve said and heard from other players.
  • [Invade , [Invasion , [Invasions – Opens a gump with all active and scheduled invasions.
  • [Myachievements – Brings up your in game achievements and shows their progress. Achievements can be done to earn sovs that you can spend on the UOStore in your house or other safe log out area.
  • [Mycommands – Brings up an in-game window that lists all the available commands.
  • [Mystats – Opens a gump that shows your stats in depth.
  • [Notify – Brings up a notifications gump.
  • [Ohshit – Teleports you near the stairs by Luna Moongate.
  • [OrganizeMe – Organizes your backpack.
  • [Password – Change your account password.
  • [Point – Allows you to point at areas and items.
  • [QuestLog – Brings up a Quest gump.
  • [QuestPoints –
  • [QuestRanking – Displays the top players in quest points.
  • [RecipeList – Brings up a list with all recipes and shows what ones you know in green.
  • [Recipes – Same as above.
  • [RL – Teleports you outside the Original Rune Library in Luna.
  • [Runaway – Same as [ohshit
  • [RuneLibrary – Same as [RL
  • [SafeSpace -Same as [ohshit and [runaway
  • [Store – Opens up the UOstore.
  • [Time – Tells the server time.
  • [Timestamp – Tells the server date and time.
  • [Wallet – Brings up a gump showing all currencies that you have in your banks among all characters on a account.
  • [WhatIsIt – Brings up a cursor that will tell you what you select with it is.
  • [Where – Gives your coordinates and known location.

Thanks to Dennis for compiling this information.

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