Treasures of Haochi
Once again, Daimyo Haochi has open his gardens to the bravest of souls! You must complete the Trials of Haochi to be able to trade with Masamune the Imperial Minister of Arms.
Take the green moongate just outside of Ihara Soko’s location in Makota-Jima, which will take you to Daimyo Haochi’s garden:

Next, talk to Masumine, the Imperial Minister of Arms, who will inform you that you have not completed Haochi’s Trials and send you to speak to Daimyo Haochi:

Speak with Daimyo Haochi in the center of his gardens to being the Trials:

Once you have completed the Trials, return to Masamune and you can begin turning in Treasures of Tokuno major artifacts, you will then be presented with the Treasures of Haochi reward gump:

Select your rewards from the list and go forth to fight as an Honorary Samauri!
You can choose any of the Haochi Pigments normally sold in the UO Store or from the list of new artifacts below:

Hiryu Hide Jacket
- Casting Focus 3%
- Mana Increase 15
- Mana Regeneration 4
- Lower Mana Cost 15%
- Resistances: 15/10/20/10/20
Menacing Muchi
- Random Super Slayer
- 60% Random Hit Spell (Magic Arrow/Harm/Fireball/Lightning/Explosion)
- 100% Random Hit Area (Physical/Fire/Cold/Poison/Energy)
- 35% Random Hit Leech (Life/Stamina/Mana)
- 40% Random Hit Lower (Attack/Defense)
- Damage Increase 50%
- Use Best Weapon Skill
- Hue is based on Hit Area elemental type
- Range is 2

- Hit Lightning 50%
- Intelligence Bonus 10
- Mana Regeneration 2
- Luck 175
- Damage Increase 25%
- Resistances: 12/8/22/7/22
Yukio’s Yumi
- 2 X Random Super Slayer
- 35% Random Hit Leech (Life/Stamina/Mana)
- Velocity 60%
- Balanced
- Luck 400
- Faster Casting 1
- Swing Speed Increase 20%
- Damage Increase 50%

Kabuto of the Raj-in
- Random Eater 10%
- Random Resonance 20%
- Casting Focus 3%
- Mana Increase 10
- Mana Regeneration 3
- Spell Damage Increase 15%
- Mage Armor
- Resistances: 12/17/21/17/17
- Eater and Resonance will always be the same elemental type (fire/fire, cold/cold, etc)
- Hue is based on Eater/Resonance elemental type
Haochi’s Magical/Mystical Bokuto
- Spell Channeling
- Mage/Mystic Weapon -0 Skill
- Luck 150
- Faster Casting 1
- Defense Chance Increase 20
- Casting Focus 3%
- Random Eater 10%
- Random Resonance 20%
- Eater and Resonance will always be the same elemental type (fire/fire, cold/cold, etc)
- Hue is based on Eater/Resonance elemental type
- Name is based on whether it’s a mage or mystic weapon

Tome of Enlightened Knowledge
- Random Casting Skill +15
- Intelligence Bonus 10
- Mana Regeneration 3
- Luck 175
- Faster Casting 1
- Spell Damage Increase 15%
- Lower Mana Cost 15%
- Casting skills available: Magery, Mysticism, Necromancy, Spellweaving